Showing posts with label GAMES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAMES. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Race To The Temple

I have recently created a new LEGO Game for a school project. It is based slightly on the previous Minotaurs Game, but is drastically different. The Game is much smaller and easier to build. For the project, I created a mock press release and described how my game would change the LEGO group forever.  I will try to post a video of how to build it soon. If not a video, then pictures.

       Attention! The LEGO Group is secretly seeking submissions for a new game to set them apart from the rest of the toy industry. The game must be small and consist of a smaller number of pieces. It should be able to be sold for about $14.99 USD.  Please send your ideas to:
555 Taylor Road
P.O. Box 1138
Enfield, CT 06083-1138

  1.The basic object of the game is to get all 3 of your men (microfigures) to the top of the temple.
   2. You do this by rolling the dice, and moving the number of spaces it displays, either 3, 4, 5, or 6. There are however, two special pieces.
  3. If you roll this piece:
         You are able to take one of the pillars that is on the side of the temple and place it anywhere on the game board that is dark gray. It is mainly used to block your opponents.
  4. If you roll this piece:

       You are able to take any player who is still on a dark gray space and put them back to their home space. This is a very powerful move.  It is called the disk of power.
  5. Once you get to the pyramid with your color, you follow the path to the top until you get to you colored piece. Once you are on your pyramid, you are safe. No one is able to use the Disk of power to put you back to your home place. In addition, pillars can not be placed anywhere on a pyramid.
  6. When you reach the tip of your pyramid you are automatically transported to your colored piece on the top of the temple.
  7. Once you have all three men on top of the temple, you win.


       If you want the game to last longer, you can change the rules by saying that nowhere is safe. You are able to be pushed back to your starting place wherever you are except the top of the temple. You could also place pillars anywhere. These are the rules I started with, but I found out that the game can go on forever this way. So if you want to challenge yourself, use these rules.
       Note: I did play this game with my brother and he very much enjoyed it. Also, all of the colors are not the same. I would of liked to have different color schemes, but my resources are limited.
The game as viewed from the top.



The game in comparison to the size of my hand.