Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pick-A-Brick Cup Tips

I was recently at the LEGO store in Woodfield Mall, Illinois, and picked up several pick-a-brick cups. This is, of course, the first part of the store I go to whenever I enter. I spent quite a bit of time packing the cups with as much bricks as they could fit. Once I got home, I was amazed at how many bricks I was actually able to fit into the cups.

This is the large pick-a-brick cup. It currently retails for $15.99 in the United States.

As you can see, I mainly stacked it full of 4x4 plates and 1x4 reddish brown tiles.

All of these bricks came from that one large cup. This was quite the value, in my opinion!

Now, on to the small cup. It costs $8.99 in the United States.

Once again, the majority of the cup consists of 4x4 plates. I did throw in a few other interesting pieces.

After all of the plates were removed, I still had half of the cup full of bricks!

This was almost more impressive than the large cup! All of these bricks fit in the small cup for only $8.99. In my opinion, this is currently the best deal at the LEGO Store.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pick A Brick Tips: The Bottom

Watch our latest YouTube video to find out the best way to fill the bottom gap in the small Pick A Brick cup from the LEGO Store.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

BrickCreator on YouTube

BrickCreator now has their own YouTube channel! We will be posting videos on all things LEGO related. Our portfolio will be broad, but we will focus on LEGO hauls, reviews, MOCs, and tutorials. Be sure to check it out at the link below and comment, rate, and subscribe! We will frequently be uploading new videos, so be sure to stay tuned for exciting content!